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Farm/ranch Farm Ranch
US HIGHWAY 181, Floresville, Texas 78114
Property DetailsProperty TypeFarm/ranchListing TypeFarm RanchListing ID1838120Price$175,000Lot Area2,800 SqftStatusPrice ChangeTotal Baths0Address MapTXWilsonFloresville78114US HIGHWAY 181W99° 48' 30.5''N29° 10' 38.8''0NeighborhoodCall DistrictCall DistrictCall DistrictMLS AddonURIH00uri@uriahrealestate.comUriURIAHA0332 M A VERAMENDI SUR, TRACT 9A, ACRES 2.59604991(830) 600-5263URIAH Real Estate OrganizationThis lot benefits from multiple access points, plenty of frontage on a major highway and flat topography. Floresville is a growing city of 8,000 and growing and about 45 minutes outside of San Antonio where national and local businesses thrive. Motivated Seller.

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